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An international milestone – Duna Aszfalt Zrt. has further been enlarged


With a considerably significant, active participant of Poland’s construction and real estate development market

Duna Aszfalt Zrt. has successfully acquired Mota-Engil Central Europe group of companies in Poland, a group that belonged so far to Mota-Engil SGPS SA having its roots in Portugal, supporting the business development plans of Duna Group in Central and Eastern Europe. The company that has newly joined Duna Group is a considerably significant, active participant in the construction and real estate development market of Poland.

The above transaction will enhance Duna Group’s international presence, strengthen its role in the construction industry, and help it achieve the status of a regional mid-sized enterprise owned by Hungarians.

The acquired Mota-Engil Central Europe (MECE) that has more than 800 employees is one of Poland’s leading companies in the construction industry. They have more than twenty-five years of experience in road and bridge construction, and excellent expertise with regard to the execution of buildings, railway construction and electric energy projects, road maintenance and real estate development.

Mota-Engil Central Europe will continue its operation in the future as Duna Polska S.A., already as a part of Duna Group, and MEREM, the company branch that deals expressly with real estate development will further operate in Poland under the name Duna Polska Real Estate Sp. z o.o., already as a member of Duna Group as well.

The leading-out of the Mota-Engil Central Europe brand name has been started, as well as the institution of the new Duna Polska with the acquired company, the related processes have already been launched.

Welcome to the Duna Group-family, Duna Polska S.A.! #dunagroup

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There was a Record Quick Interest in Participation.

The fifth edition of the Summer University, held from August 16th -18th , once again generated immense interest. Participants came from all over the country and even from beyond our borders to deepen their professional knowledge during the three-day program series.

This year, the focus of the Summer University, aimed primarily at civil engineering students, was on infrastructure development, with special emphasis on high-tech machinery and the latest technologies. The program offered a unique opportunity for future engineers to get a firsthand look at the construction processes of the M44 motorway and visit Duna Aszfalt’s central asphalt laboratory in Lakitelek. One of the event’s highlights was the visit to the new Flood Protection Training Center in Millér, near Szolnok, which is a unique facility even by European standards.

During the three days, participants not only attended lectures by the best domestic experts and visited ongoing projects, but they also gained in-depth knowledge on topics such as digitalization and InfraBIM.

According to our plans, the Duna Group Summer University will go on in 2025!

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Sustainability Report

In anticipation of our legal obligations, the Duna Group has prepared its first ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) report, which is crucial for our sustainability efforts. The ESG report summarizes the Group’s environmental, social, and governance performance, goals, and areas for development.

The sustainability report, through transparent communication, helps stakeholders understand how the Duna Group creates value for its environment and stakeholders. Our goal is to contribute to a more sustainable future in the long term by ensuring transparency in our activities.

"A sustainable vision of the future and strategy improve our Group’s risk assessment from a financing perspective and increase our attractiveness as an employer. The report was prepared in accordance with the most widely accepted international GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) framework and considering the European ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards)," said Bernadett Illés, our Integrated Management System leader.

You can access our 2023 ESG report by clicking on the link below:
ESG Report - Duna Group


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Hazai Építőgép Társulás Szolgáltató Zrt. /National Building-Machine Association Service Provider cPLC/ – the Decision of the Office of Fair Trading

The Duna Aszfalt Út és Mélyépítő Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság /Duna Aszfalt Road and Underground Building Contractor cPLC/ (Seat: 6060, Tiszakécske, 150, Béke Street.; Tax Number: 28733232-4-03; Company registration Number: 03 10 100618) (,,Issuer”) fulfils the obligation of extraordinary disclosure based on Xbond General Terms of Service of Budapest Stock Exchange (Budapesti Értéktőzsde Zrt. („BÉT”)) as well as on the relevant provisions as it is provided below.

The Duna Aszfalt Út és Mélyépítő Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (,,Issuer”) informs the Honourable  Investors and Capital Market Operators on the fact that Issuer has signed a contract of stock sale on the subject matter of acquisition of 100% of the stock holding of HAZAI ÉPÍTŐGÉP TÁRSULÁS Szolgáltató Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (Seat: 2351 Alsónémedi, 2405/4, Öregországút Street; Company Registration Number: 13 10 041903; Tax Number: 26647184-2-13). As with regard to this transaction the Office of Fair Trading in conjunction with the Council of Fair Trading deemed in the official certificate issued on June the 26th 2024 that there is no such circumstance that would be a reason for an examination, therefore it is practicable between the parties.

Duna Aszfalt Út és Mélyépítő Zártkörűen
Működő Részvénytársaság


The Tomori Pál bridge the first extradosed bridge structure in Hungary.

On June the 6th 2024, three years after the foundation stone was laid, the twentieth Duna bridge in Hungary was officially inaugurated. The bridge was designed by CÉH Zrt. and Pont-TERV Zrt., while the road designs were prepared by SPECIÁLTERV Kft. on behalf of UTIBER Kft., all commissioned by the main contractor, Duna Aszfalt Zrt.

The bridge was blessed on the day of the inauguration by Archbishop Balázs Bábel of Kalocsa-Kecskemét. He expressed that a long-held personal wish had been fulfilled by naming the bridge after his ecclesiastical predecessor from 500 years ago, Pál Tomori, Archbishop of Kalocsa and a brave soldier.

The new infrastructure significantly reduces travel time between Kalocsa and Paks, separated by the Duna, and between Kalocsa and the M6 motorway. The travel time between Kalocsa and Paks has decreased from the previous 40-50 minutes to approximately 15 minutes, while the M6 motorway is now reachable from Kalocsa in about 40 minutes.

The Kalocsa-Paks Duna Bridge boasts impressive dimensions, spanning 946 meters across the Duna. The first major step after the foundation stone was laid in October 2021 occurred near the riverbank section on the Kalocsa side, where a nearly 180-ton steel stiffener element was lifted into the fifth pier of the river bridge. A remarkable feature of the bridge is the construction of two 2.25-meter-wide, two-way bicycle paths on both sides of the 2 x 3.50-meter roadway, accompanied by safety lanes and barriers. Additionally, reinforced concrete frame bridges were built before and after the new Duna bridge under the main road to ensure smooth traffic flow over the flood protection dikes.

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Bridge Structure in Norway (outskirts of Trondheim) – Saupstadbrua Bridge

The Polish WKS Duna Polska, a member of the Duna Group, boasts significant experience in manufacturing and assembling steel structures on-site, particularly bridge structures. However, the construction of the Saupstadbrua Bridge in the outskirts of Trondheim, Norway, presented new challenges for the company.

The Saupstadbrua Bridge project comprised eight massive elements, each measuring 24 meters in length, nearly 6 meters in width, and over 3 meters in height, with each element weighing over 50 tons. During production, not only did the elements need to comply with European steel structure standards, but they also had to meet the requirements of the Norwegian Handbook R762! The bridge structure consisted of a large, rigid, closed box girder and two side cantilevers, which were produced as separate units and assembled in the final phase. Maintaining geometric tolerances for such large elements posed a significant challenge, necessitating meticulous and targeted planning before production. Strict assembly and welding instructions were developed to ensure optimal heat distribution during welding and to meet manufacturing tolerance requirements upon completion of the welding process.

The workflows were developed element by element. Before welding the longitudinal stiffening ribs, the plates were pre-tensioned in a template equipped with special profiles. After welding the first element, the geometric deformations were measured, and if necessary, the shape of the profiles ensuring the pre-tensioning was adjusted. The goal was to minimize the straightening of the rigid bridge structure after welding. During the manufacturing process, trial assembly was also conducted to ensure the suitability of the fully welded elements.

Implementing corrosion protection to meet specific North European requirements presented new tasks. The different surfaces of the bridge were covered with three distinct painting systems. To begin the metal spraying process, a highly clean Sa3 surface with exceptional roughness of Ry5=85-130um had to be achieved. For this purpose, a very hard 700HV GH25/18 size fractured steel shot, specifically chosen for this project, was used. The production and painting processes were carried out according to strict specifications, under the technical supervision of the client, ensuring that each element met the very high quality standards.

For WKS Duna Polska, part of the Duna Group, the production and on-site assembly of the Saupstadbrua Bridge was not only a challenge but also an opportunity to demonstrate their expertise and commitment to quality! The successful completion of the project attests to the company's professionalism and innovative solutions in the field of steel structures.

Norwegian media coverage of the bridge structure on pages 132-143:


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Expected to be put into practice for the travelling public by the end of 2024.

Sopron – The construction of the Vienna Hill Tunnel is progressing with excellent quality and on schedule, carried out safely with the assistance of Hungarian experts and our own specialized equipment. Designing and constructing a tunnel like the Vienna Hill Tunnel presents numerous challenges, especially due to geological uncertainties. The development of the internal installation system also poses significant challenges, but our teams are successfully managing them!

This unique and exceptional project of the Duna Group involves the construction of the M85 expressway section between Fertőrákos and the Hungarian-Austrian border near Sopron, including the 780-meter-long tunnel pair through Vienna Hill and the creation of the bypass route 8647around northwest Sopron. The project also features two engineering structures and one grade-separated junction on the expressway, and on the route8647 three roundabouts, five engineering structures, and a railway crossing will be made.

The Vienna Hill Tunnel and the associated road network are being executed by the SDD Consortium (which includes Dömper Kft., a member of the Duna Group), the works reached their final stages. Within the project, the bypass 8647 was built as a 4-kilometer-long two-lane road connecting the M85 and Ágfalvi Road way out west of Sopron. The technical handover of this part of the execution has been completed, and the contractor will hand over the new urban bypass and its connecting elements to commuters about three months earlier than scheduled.

In the case of the Vienna Hill Tunnel, the final structural concreting activities were completed in last December, thus besides the post-production works of the structure construction one of the remaining tasks of the builders included the disassembly of the machinery used for constructing the final structure, requiring time, space, and logistics at the eastern and western forecourts of the tunnel.

After completing the structural works, a significant change occurred at the site, as the mobile concrete plant, the workshop tent, depots associated with the mixing plant, and other stored materials were dismantled and removed from the eastern preamble worksite. This allowed the final construction of the pavement structure of the expressway connecting to the eastern and western foregrounds of the tunnel. The gabion walls supporting the eastern and western tunnel portals were also completed, on the eastern side, the placement of closing stones and maintenance walkways was already finalized, by the end of April the noise barrier is nearing completion, with landscaping in progress.

In both passages of the tunnel the pavement structure is also completed, a 30 cm FZKA layer was built to the counter-arch, a 17 cm Ckt-4 hydraulic binding layer, and a 4 cm thick AC-11 separating asphalt layer as well. The 26 cm thick CP4/2.7 basalt concrete, forming the topmost layer of the pavement that needed a special working line was completed in the last days of April. Cutting and sealing the pavement surface is ongoing.

On the southern tunnel wall, the final coating system has been applied up to 5 meters in height, in the northern passage the coating application is being finalized following the completion of the basalt concrete work. The installation and cabling of the horizontal and vertical traffic control systems are in progress, and all JET fans have been installed after trial operations. The final lighting fixtures, active prisms, and emergency passages' special gates have been installed. The electrical distribution cabinets for emergency call booths are being activated, and the special doors for the booths have arrived and been installed and connected. The sharp setting of the electrical joint-boxes of the mayday niches is in progress, the special doors of the niches arrived alright to the worksite, they were installed.

The main remaining tasks for the contractors until the notification of completion will include the live testing of the traffic and control technology elements already installed in a great part and the activation and comprehensive testing of the SCADA software responsible for tunnel management and the test run of the elements of the system.

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M44 Szentkirály-Lakitelek / Mosonyi Rest Area

We fondly remember our late colleague, László Mosonyi, now commemorated with a rest area on the M44 highway! On April the 19th a complex rest area named after László Mosonyi was inaugurated on the Szentkirály-Lakitelek section of the M44, worthily honouring the outstanding professional in the Hungarian construction industry.

The M44 Szentkirály-Lakitelek construction project was initiated partly due to a referendum in Szentkirály, which stipulated that the village could only be connected to the planned expressway via a bypass. Consequently, the project implementer was obligated to design the bypass, manage the associated land development and expropriations. Therefore, the duration of the project was extended to 48 months as the tasks of the bypass were starting from scratch.

The contract for the construction of the Szentkirály-Lakitelek section of the M44 expressway was signed by Közgép Zrt., part of the Duna Group, in February 2020. Besides expressway M44, the entire project included the creation of a complex rest area (later named the Mosonyi László Rest Area), the renovation of routes 4622 and 4623, the construction of new bicycle paths along their entire section, the construction of three new roundabouts, and the addition of a direct turning lane in the “airplane” roundabout in Kecskemét. Construction of the main M44 section commenced in summer 2020, following the completion and approval of the details of execution.

The management of Duna Aszfalt Zrt. has always been dedicated to honouring the memory of their late project chief engineer, our colleague László Mosonyi, which led to the naming of the project's rest area after him.

During the summer in 2023, we completed nearly 600,000 m³ of earthworks, the Ckt base layer, and the asphalt layers for the 5 km main section. The rest area, which was already named the Mosonyi Rest Area by then, was completed in October 2023. The other project components (the renovation of routes 4622 and 4623, the construction of bicycle paths, roundabouts, and the Szentkirály bypass) were also completed in October 2023, and the contractual tasks were successfully handed over three months ahead of schedule on December the 12th 2023.

The rest area's lighting system is dynamic and smart, making its operation more energy-efficient, functioning like twilight-activated lighting across all lamp posts.

In the spring of 2024, we placed a commemorative stone made of Süttő limestone on both sides of the Mosonyi Rest Area, engraved with attributes characteristic of “Uncle” Laci. Each side of the rest area features a memorial site with these stones, which were unveiled ceremoniously on April the 19th 2024, in the presence of our founding owner László Szíjj and members of the Mosonyi family, paying a worthy tribute to this great Engineer and Man. It can be written in Hungarian as one and with capital letters: EngineerMan!

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The Duna Aszfalt-DTKH Kecskemét basketball team aims to kick off the new year with a victory.

After ending the previous year with a defeat in Sopron, the Duna Aszfalt-DTKH Kecskemét team is determined to start the new year successfully on their home court. Ivkovic Stojan's squad will host Debrecen on Friday evening.

In their first regular-season matchup in Debrecen, the DEAC emerged victorious with a score of 79-71, giving the Kecskemét team a strong motive for redemption. Currently, Debrecen stands in 6th place on the table with 7 wins and 7 losses, while Duna Aszfalt-DTKH Kecskemét is in 10th place with a 5-9 record. DEAC secured a victory in the previous round in Oroszlány, whereas the Kecskemét team narrowly lost to Sopron in a close match. The team is now focused on making improvements.

Ivkovic Stojan, the professional director, shared his thoughts on the upcoming game: "We played four matches in a short period and experienced many stimuli, plus there were the holidays, Christmas, and New Year's Eve. After the Sopron match, I was upset, but then I reviewed the past period, and we can be satisfied because we won three out of the four. This league is a real roller coaster. Apart from Falco, no team can be certain of victory.

Every match is a close battle. What we improved in the previous three games were limiting blocking out and turnovers. These aspects went very poorly against Sopron, resulting in chaotic offense. We are working on correcting these mistakes. Debrecen is consistently one of the most organized clubs in Hungary. They set high goals and assemble their roster accordingly. This year is no different. We respect our opponent, but our goal is nothing less than victory, especially on our home court in front of our dedicated and enthusiastic fans. Dr. Csont analyzed DEAC's game against Oroszlány, and he will report the findings on Saturday," the expert concluded humorously about the anticipated close match.

Source: baon.hu


At the beginning of 2024, the construction team will already be able to walk across the Paks-Kalocsa bridge – the opening date of the bridge is fast approaching.

In a true winter setting, accompanied by snowfall, the closure of the left bank of the Paks Duna Bridge was completed in early December 2023. The project, led by Duna Aszfalt Zrt. as a main contractor, is nearing the point where one can walk across the entire bridge. The completion of the new bridge between Paks and Kalocsa will eliminate the need for a detour of more than 70 kilometers, that is is being constructed under the general contracting of Duna Aszfalt Zrt. on behalf of the Ministry of Construction and Transport (ÉKM) (video).

Two Floodplain Bridges and an Intermediate River Bridge between them

The nearly 1-kilometer-long (specifically almost of 946 meters) bridge being built on the southern Hungarian section of the Duna actually consists of three separate parts: two floodplain bridges and an intermediate river bridge, forming one large unit. The floodplain bridges are already connected to the two sides of the river bridge, but as of early December, the latter was still in three sections. The construction of the 440-meter-long river bridge reached a spectacular moment on December 6, 2023: thanks to the work of the experts, the section on the Kalocsa bank was definitively connected.

In the investment project overseen by the Ministry of Construction and Transport, the middle river closure is expected to be completed in February, from then on allowing passage across the entire bridge, which includes two floodplain bridges besides the river bridge.

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